Mijn MUMC+

Sign in

As a Maastricht UMC+ patient you have access to Mijn MUMC+.
With Mijn MUMC+ you can view some of the data from your medical records in a secure digital environment. You have access to this data anytime, anywhere.

Do you arrange matters online for someone else, or would you like someone to help you with your matters online? DigiD Authorisation (“DigiD Machtigen”) allows you to view someone else’s medical record. You can manage your authorisations through the DigiD website

After the button “Sign in” you can choose to:To access the record of a child below the age of 12 years, you can log in using the other button.

More information about the different log in options and the conditions can be found at: mumc.nl/mijnmumc.
Maastricht UMC+
11-10-2024Unit ontwikkeling / MIT